To make your journey easier in our blog, here are some useful headers on topics that we've writen on to speed up your discoveries!

Spread your risk : Escape Rooms

In the last couple of years escape rooms have exploded in popularity, and that growth doesn’t seem...

Spread your Risk : Benefits of Party rooms for your entertainment centre

In the majority of cases, birthday party rooms are a great addition to your centre. In some, they...

Spread your risk : Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

The size of your catchment area, the area around your center that the majority of your customers...

Location is King, What sort of building should you look for?

Entertainment centres are diverse, so the type of building you need will vary, but in general, the...

Location is King,  where should you put your future centre?

Where should you put your future centre?Laser Tag centres can be located in a variety of places....

Location is King, local population

The first and most important decision facing a future laser tag Entrepreneur is location. Even...

How to maintain your laser tag equipment during lockdowns.

Unfortunately it's looking like many of us are going to have to close our doors again. At this...

Four things to do now, to boost your revenue

Times sure are tough right now.  With countless operators still not able to open their doors. Even...

Brief your guests anywhere!

With all the spatial requirements on our industry right now, briefing your guests in traditional...

Interactive Lighting, to enhance the experience

Zone’s immense laser tag experience is brought to bear on your arena lighting solutions. Let us...